Walking Around Vieux Lyon

Temple du Change

Temple du Change

The walk down Fourvière Hill was much more pleasant than going up. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much in terms of view going down the hill. It was almost a straight path going down and the walls were high. This meant that you can only see what is in front of you. The path seems to have been carved out of private property which might explain the high walls. Indeed there were private residences along the way. It is probably annoying to have thousands of tourists walk past your home everyday. It doesn’t take long to go down the hill. Pretty soon, I was right smack in the middle of Vieux Lyon or Old Lyon.

Old Structures in Vieux Lyon

Old Structures in Vieux Lyon

As one might expect, Vieux Lyon is the center of the old town of Lyon. It is a picturesque place with old houses and cobblestone streets. The streets are actually quite narrow and the houses close together which makes the streets dark even if the sun was up. However, there were shops lining the streets which make walking a pleasure. Lest one might imagine that these were souvenir shops, they weren’t. Although they tend to cater more to tourists, they actually sell stuff which are interesting. It was probably still early in the day and there weren’t too many people along the streets, this makes for great photos.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/VieuxLyon.kmz} zoom=19]