View of Lyon From Fourvière Hill

Lyon From Fourvière Hill

Lyon From Fourvière Hill

The Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière is impressively perched on top of Fourvière Hill. In fact, it is one of the most prominent structures that are visible from the city. At night, the basilica is illuminated making it shine like a jewel in the night. This and a Merci Marie sign are visible from the modern city. When I was in the city, I looked up the hill and noticed the basilica. I didn’t know that it was a basilica but it was one of the first structures one would notice when looking at the hill.

Overlooking the City of Lyon

Overlooking the City of Lyon

The basilica actually has a small plaza and this is where a viewing area is. From this viewing area, one can see the city of Lyon. Visibility was great that day and it just reminded me to keep on going since the pictures would probably turn out great. From the view point, I can see that the city of Lyon is relatively flat. This is probably true of many European cities and they tend to keep the existing cities intact. I think this is good practice since it helps maintain historical structures. To the left, I can see parts of Fourvière Hill and it seems that there are a lot of structures here and it seems to be quite dense. Lyon is basically built up over the centuries, this gives you an idea of how important this place was event back then.

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