Lyon Under Roman Rule

Ancient Theater of Fourvière

Ancient Theater of Fourvière

My knowledge of world history is spotty. I would vaguely know about certain civilizations probably not much detail. Europe is rich in history and it is nice to be able to see parts of it. Back then, France was part of the Roman empire. The area was known as Gaul and it is one of the important provinces of the empire back then. Little surprise that there were structures built here for the people. Not only the people of Gaul lived here but the Romans themselves. And with them, the brought along their entertainment.

Ruins at Fourvière Hill

Ruins at Fourvière Hill

Back then, there was no television, internet or video games. To be entertained, people need to actually go out. In this the days of the Roman empire, one of the major forms of entertainment was theater. I was never a big theater fan but it seems the ancient Romans were. This was the television before television. One could argue that this would be more challenging to produce since everything is all live and there are no retakes of CGI to fix things up. Fourviere Hill has the remains of two ancient theaters which give an insight into the lives of the ancient Romans. I really liked the two theaters here and I’m hoping that there would be more of these structures to be seen here in Lyon.

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