Exploring the Ancient Theater of Fourvier

Ancient Theater of Fourvière

Ancient Theater of Fourvière

I was very impressed with the size of the Ancient Theater of Fourvier. It is clearly much larger than the nearby odeon. I understand why there can be two theaters side by side now. If a theater is too large, it would be very difficult for singers and poets to be heard, thus a small venue is required. Besides, an odeon also has a roof which accommodates for the acoustics. While it may seem amazing to us that the ancient Romans considers such things when constructing buildings, they do have a lot of experience and had time to get it right.

This is How it Feels to Perform at the Ancient Theater of Fourvière

This is How it Feels to Perform at the Ancient Theater of Fourvière

Just like the nearby odeon, the theater is also very well preserved. There were groups of seats here, it might be similar to how there would be certain sections in modern day theaters for higher paying patrons. However, this wasn’t that case back then. A lot of times, performances will be free of charge. This is usually done by the very wealthy and done to get on the good side of the people. After all, who doesn’t like anyone who spends money for your entertainment? Alas, these days people are just after your money. Rich people don’t do this anymore, and if they do, you would get suspicious.

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