Morning at Vieux Lyon

View of Vieux Lyon

View of Vieux Lyon

I only got some exploration done in Lyon that evening. I only followed the street from where I had dinner and just worked my way there and back to the hotel. I like how the streets of Lyon were neatly arranged in a grid which makes it easy to get your bearings. It was almost like Manhattan where everything is just parallel to each other. I had a great night’s sleep at the hotel. I was ready for a whole day of exploration in Lyon. The hotel offered breakfast but I thought I would take my chances outside.

Heritage Structures at Vieux Lyon

Heritage Structures at Vieux Lyon

Lyon is an amazing conglomeration of old and new. Just walking through the city will make you realize how much was preserved here. It seems that the planners of Lyon took the existing structures into consideration when expanding the city. This gives the city of Lyon much character and for me an air of authenticity not found in other cities. It seems that the weather is slightly better than what it was the previous day, I hope it will hold. My first port of call would be the Old City of Lyon also called Vieux Lyon. The view along the Saône River is probably one of the most iconic in Lyon and it seemed that I woiuld get lucky with the morning sun hitting the centuries old buildings just right.

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