Saint Kinga’s Chapel

Saint Kinga's Chapel at the Wieliczka Salt Mine

Saint Kinga’s Chapel at the Wieliczka Salt Mine

I was quite impressed with the chapel in the Wieliczka Salt Mine. It was nice of them to remember to have a place of worship. It can be difficult to remember all this because they are always deep down in the bowels of the earth. Keeping track of time would be especially hard. The chapel I was at wasn’t especially large. It was large enough to handle several people probably a small service but that was it. It it was literally just a chapel. I didn’t know it yet but we were actually quite near the start of the salt mine itself – Saint Kinga’s Chapel.

Beautiful Saint Kinga's Chapel

Beautiful Saint Kinga’s Chapel

It is actually a surprise to suddenly see a large open area underground. The tunnel suddenly opens up and there were bright lights here. It was Saint Kinga’s Chapel. The chapel didn’t look like a chapel at all. In fact it looks more like a ballroom than a chapel. There were chandeliers which light the entire area. What is special about these chandeliers was that they used translucent salt crystals to transmit light. It was an incredible scene. No wonder they decided to impose a camera fee here. I was sure how they impose it but if you decide to change you mind and take out the digital camera, then there is a place to purchase tickets to let you take photos.

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