Around Saint John’s Archcathedral

Mausoleum of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński at Saint John's Archcathedral

Mausoleum of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński at Saint John’s Archcathedral

Saint John’s Archcathedral in the Old Town of Warsaw is a brick gothic cathedral in the heart of the city. I decided to have a look inside the cathedral despite that monk like figure near the door. There was no service going on so I think it would be a okay to take photos. Like a lot of old cathedrals, there are a lot of interesting places inside the cathedral. Perhaps first one anyone would see would be a chapel dedicated to Cardinal Wyszyński who was known for his stand against the Nazism and Communism. There were other chapels around the cathedral as well.

Tomb of Brothers Stanisław and Janusz III Dukes of Masovia at Saint John's Archcathedral

Tomb of Brothers Stanisław and Janusz III Dukes of Masovia at Saint John’s Archcathedral

It is common practice back then to be buried in the church. This is usually done for royalty or the clergy so they would be closer to God. This is not really done anymore but one can still see the markers which show who was buried here. I actually don’t know any of the names here. There was one rather curious tomb which has the figures of two men carved on it. Apparently, these were Duke of Masovia who were brothers. The story goes that Stanisław died and was followed by his brother Janusz III. If that doesn’t scream conspiracy, then nothing does. After some investigation, the cause of death was declared to be natural. The brothers were buried together in one tomb as can be seen from the outside.

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