Glengesh Pass

Glengesh Pass

Glengesh Pass

It was another one of those weekends. It wasn’t raining and I thought that I would try to visit a place down south. When my friend got wind of this, they decided to come along with their car. Before I knew it, we were heading off to a different place. I didn’t really mind since I didn’t know where to go in my original destination. I was being brought to southwest of county Donegal and it happens to be one of the more visited places in the county. This time, we would be taking the scenic route. I have never done this route before so I was glad to try it.

View from Glengesh Pass

View from Glengesh Pass

We passed through the town of Glenties and the road started to climb up. We were driving between the mountains and it is nice to see it up close. The road keeps going higher until we reached a parking area where we can see it all. This is Glengesh Pass. I always wanted to visit this place but I couldn’t bring myself to drive down. From the viewpoint, one can see the road where we came from. It is really along a valley between two mountains. The view is actually quite picturesque. The is an ice cream stand here. Actually it sells more than that. For those who are hungry, it would be nice to have this magnificent view as a background.

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