
Beach at Cantra

Beach at Cantra

After crossing the scenic Conor Pass, I finally made it to the town of Dingle. It seems to be a very lively town, and I think I would love to have lunch here. It was still early in the day and there won’t be time for lunch right now. I decided to immediately proceed to explore the Dingle Peninsula by following the Slea Head Drive. The interesting spots are very well sign posted so it was easy to know when something interesting is coming up. One of these places is Cantra.

Looking Out to Sea at Cantra

Looking Out to Sea at Cantra

Now, I don’t really know much about this Cantra, I only followed a sign here. From the main road, it took a left which leads to the beach area. There was a long beach here as well as a small village. There was little to do here aside from take photos. I can imagine it would be nice to take a walk here when you that time to do so. It was a cloudy day but it seems to be getting better. Hopefully by the time I get to the important spots, the skies would have cleared up.

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