Leaving Skellig Michael

Skellig Michael from the Boat

Skellig Michael from the Boat

We overheard on the radio that the weather was going to take a turn for the worse. Basically that was our sign to leave the island. The waters were still rough so while we tourists were visiting the island. Our boats were out in the sea bobbing about. It was better than having them near the pier where they could slam into the walls and stranding us on the island. I don’t think any one of us would have been prepared to stay a night on the island. We donned our heavy waterproof gear and the boat came to fetch us.

Looking Towards Little Skellig

Looking Towards Little Skellig

It was still a challenge to board the boat for some since the boat kept going up and down. The staff were there to help with those who need it. I got my spot behind the cabin to keep me dry. This was the only time I got my camera out of the raincoat since I didn’t have any photos of the boat ride. As you can see, the photo was misaligned. It was that difficult to get a proper shot while trying to make sure you stay on the boat. I think one wrong move and you can be sent flying into the water.

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