Saint Michael’s Church at Skellig Michael

Tombstone Inside the Church of Saint Michael at Skellig Michael

Tombstone Inside the Church of Saint Michael at Skellig Michael

When we reached the top of Skellig Michael, we were met by a guide who told us all about the island. It felt almost like a private tour since they limit the number of visitors who can come on a given day. This day had even less visitors since the weather was bad. We found out how the the guides would stay here on the island for weeks at a time. They don’t spend the nights sleeping in the monastery but they have accommodations below where the first guide met us. This does mean they have to climb up the island every time there are visitors.

Ruins of the Church of Saint Michael at Skellig Michael

Ruins of the Church of Saint Michael at Skellig Michael

Among the structures which we were introduced to us was a church. It wasn’t very obvious what is anymore but just across the beehive structures is a church which was dedicated to Saint Michael. The roof of the church is long gone but what can be obvious here is that the church was made differently from the other structures. There is mortar used here to keep the stones together. This seems to imply that the church was built on a different time from the beehives since they were built very differently. Curiously enough, the church was in worse shape compared to the beehives. I’m not sure if this was because of restoration or just because the work on the church wasn’t done properly.

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