
Rocks at Whitestrand Along the Ring of Kerry

Rocks at Whitestrand Along the Ring of Kerry

I had a brief stopover at the tiny village of Sneem as I was making my way around the famed Ring of Kerry, which is basically a tourist driving route. I liked these kinds of places as it forces you see places over a wide area. Unfortunately, I haven’t been that impressed. From the road in Kenmare, it has been mostly inland. I didn’t really see too many interesting things apart from the village of Sneem. I got a bit excited when I started to see some water behind the trees. I thought I would be able to stop somewhere but there weren’t any of the usual stops beside the road.

Whitestrand in County Kerry

Whitestrand in County Kerry

A sign caught my eye and I saw one for a place called Whitestrand. This immediately brought images of whitesand beaches to mind. There was a very sharp turn at from the main road, fortunately the road wasn’t busy. The road led to the beach which wasn’t as idyllic as I thought. I was far from the tropical island paradise that I thought it would be. It was a beach and I guess that was it. The tide was out so there was a lot of sand here. There was another family here who were excited to go swimming in the beach. Perhaps it is a popular places along these parts.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/Whitestrand.kmz} zoom=19]