Looking Out from Blarney Castle

Outside Blarney Castle

Outside Blarney Castle

I wasn’t exactly very impressed with the rooms at Blarney Castle. They opted to keep the castle the way it was, so the rooms remained empty and featureless. I can’t say this was wrong but it was just boring. This wasn’t really unexpected so I didn’t really mind it. It felt like it was getting quite busy here in the castle. And it seems that people were just streaming in. There seems to be something important on the top of the castle, perhaps a view. Already, I can see far out from the castle.

Looking Down from Blarney Castle

Looking Down from Blarney Castle

Blarney Castle isn’t exceptionally tall, but castles are usually the tallest structures around the village as it provides strategic advantage to see and invaders. One can already look out from the castle to see the surrounding area. Turns out there was a lot of greenery here. I would have expected that there would be a village nearby but this wasn’t the case. There was nice looking house further away. I wonder if I would be able to visit that place. In the meantime, I was making my way to the top of the castle. Maybe I would know what the commotion is all about.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/BlarneyCastle.kmz} zoom=19]