Cahir Castle

Gate at Cahir Castle

Gate at Cahir Castle

Cahir was not too far from the town of Cashel and it made it better by connecting the two together by a motorway. Upon entry into the town of Cahir, I immediately noticed how pretty it was. It was much like how the town of Cashel felt. It seems that this place is also quite popular and it shows. The traffic in town was quite heavy as there seemed to be a lot of tourists here. I think it is along the tourist route considering its proximity to Cashel. The place which people visit Cahir for is the Cahir Castle right in the middle of town.

Cannon at Cahir Castle

Cannon at Cahir Castle

I was glad that there was parking space right beside Cahir Castle. That way I won’t have to worry about where to put the car. I was quite fortunate since there seemed to be a lot of visitors that day. It was summer after all and people usually travel. While I think I already know what to expect from Cahir Castle, I still went in to explore the place. It is very well maintained compared to the one at Cashel but I think that is an unfair comparison. Unlike Cashel, this is a true castle. It even has those gates which drop from the top. The positioning of the gate is a bit awkward which was right beside the ticket office. I wasn’t sure if the ticket office as an original structure but it just seemed out of place.

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