Exploring the Glenstal Abbey Grounds

Inside the Walled Garden in Glenstal Abbey

Inside the Walled Garden in Glenstal Abbey

It seems that there was some conference happening during my visit. I knew that school was already out but there were still signs pointing people to certain places. I never found out what that conference was all about but there were still visitors apart from the conference delegates. On the way in I ran into a smiling elderly lady and I ran into her again when I was heading to the gardens. She told me she tends to the gardens here which I think is quite impressive since that gardens are quite vast here. Before she left, she also had a plug for a video she helped make for the abbey. The DVD is on sale at the bookstore. Just so you know, she doesn’t make anything from the sales of the DVD.

Walls of the Walled Garden at Glenstal Abbey

Walls of the Walled Garden at Glenstal Abbey

The grounds of Glenstal Abbey are quite large but most of it is all greenery. I like visiting these kinds of places but I do have a schedule to keep. There seem to be a few places here but not all of them are accessible. There was an enclosed garden just after the abbey grounds but there were iron gates here and I couldn’t really proceed. I didn’t look very interesting either, which made me curious as to why it would be off limits. One can have a peek at the garden but all I can see is a path in the middle for people to walk on.

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