Colosseum in Rome

Part of the Collapsed Wall of the Colosseum in Rome

Part of the Collapsed Wall of the Colosseum in Rome

I was absolutely thrilled to see the Colosseum in person. I would have been silly to think that I have not seen any photo of the Colosseum and I know what it looks like. I believe I have also seen photos of the inside as well so coming here was more of a formality. Still, nothing beats getting to come here and see everything for yourself. I thought it was very beautiful day and I hope that my photos of the Colosseum would come out very well. Immediately, I noticed that a large part of the Colosseum seems to be under renovation. That was a huge disappointment for me, as the scaffolds will be in the way. Anyway, that is all for the greater good so that the structure would last another thousand years. The Colosseum was built in the first century and despite all its challenges, it is still here.

A Look at the Colosseum in Rome

A Look at the Colosseum in Rome

As you will probably know or deduce, the Colosseum is made primarily for entertainment, much like why modern day stadiums are built. The size of the Roman Colosseum is good enough for probably a maximum of eighty thousand people. This is a huge number even by today’s standards. As for its use, it is probably a bit different from the stadiums of today but they have similar ideas. As you might see from the movie Gladiator, the Colosseum was use primarily for gladiatorial combat. However, that wasn’t the only use of the Colosseum, it was also used for performances such as reenactments of various events. It was also used to provide the people and idea of nature with a simulated environment in the Colosseum itself. It was surprisingly elaborate but these are normally paid for by families who are trying to make a name for themselves. It is quite different from the way performances are funded these days where the viewer is the one paying.

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