Inside the Caesar’s Tower

Cross Section of the Caesar's Tower in the Medieval Town of Provins

Cross Section of the Caesar’s Tower in the Medieval Town of Provins

The Caesar’s Tower is one of the signature sights here in the medieval town of Provins. The tower is one of the tallest structures here in the town and it makes sense since it serves a defensive purpose. It was very enjoyable to just admire the tower from the outside as it was how I imagine European castles would be. The tower isn’t as large as the more famous castles in Europe but it is still very nice. Upon entry you are shown exhibits on the history of the tower. Apparently it is quite old. There was no clear mention of when it was actually built but it seems it was already in existence 1100s. The tower was built by the wealthy counts of Champagne to naturally protect their territory.

A view of the Town of Provins from the Caesar's Tower

A view of the Town of Provins from the Caesar’s Tower

Upon entry you would see a scale model of the tower, this give visitors a good idea of how the tower is structured. It is actually three floors high. It is built on an elevated platform to increase the height of the tower. It does seem to be quite modest but I don’t think it was meant for people to live in. We will be exploring the tower, hopefully there won’t be too many people here as the tower seems to be small and I would expect the stairways to be narrow as well.

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