Outside the Balcony at the Alcazar de Segovia

Fairy Tale Towers of Alcazar de Segovia

Fairy Tale Towers of Alcazar de Segovia

I finally climbed up some stairs which led to the upper levels of the Alcazar de Segovia. I was very impressed with the rooms of the castle, as there were very little to suggest that the castle was hiding a treasure as beautiful as these rooms. I didn’t really have a lot of high hopes for that castle. Apart from the fairy tale castle looks of the castle, it wasn’t exactly love at first sight here. However, it really pays to visit the castle. I was finally relieved to see some light outside. The castle was quite dark as there weren’t a lot of big windows to let the light in. Little did I know how bright it was outside.

Outside the Alcazar de Segovia

Outside the Alcazar de Segovia

There was a balcony on the second level of the castle and there was enough room to walk around here. As with most balconies, they are used to look outside and admire the view. I would have to admit that the view from this side isn’t really that nice, it would have been better to see it on the other side. I’m sure there will be chances for me to see the other side of the castle. After all, this is still a place to look out for enemies, so this should have a very nice viewpoint somewhere.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/AlcazardeSegovia.kmz} zoom=19]