Going to Merrion Park

Sad Playground at Merrion Park in Dublin

Sad Playground at Merrion Park in Dublin

I went another round of Trinity College before deciding to call it quits. I think I have spent enough time in the campus so I was ready to go, but I couldn’t figure out how to get out. At the other end of the campus was a surprisingly nice gym. It seems this is where some of the students or staff are. But there was no way to get out from that gym. The staff did point out the nearest exit which was a short walk from here. I was surprised to see an overhead railway passing through the campus. I don’t know what the arrangements were but it was rather bizarre. I would have thought that Trinity College was there first so the railway would have been built around the campus instead of through it.

Open Area in Merrion Park in Dublin

Open Area in Merrion Park in Dublin

Anyway, I was heading off to the next place of interest. It seems that the area around Trinity College is a rather nice area. I suppose a lot of those places would also cater for students wishing to live outside the campus. Some shops here obviously cater to the young crowd as well. As it turns out, this area is quite near a few parks, it would be really nice to live here and go to the park when the sun is out. I was headed to the nearby Merrion Park fortunately, there were signs along the way to point me to the park.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/MerrionPark.kmz} zoom=19]