Corong-corong Sunset Chasing

Sunset at Corong-corong in El Nido

Sunset at Corong-corong in El Nido

One may say that sunsets are pretty much the same wherever you go. But actually it really depends on where you are. In some locations, the atmosphere is clear and it lets too much of ther other colors through, you get a bland sunset. More spectacular sunsets happen when there is a large amount of pollutants in the sky. For example, polluted cities like Manila tend to have very good sunsets due to the large amount of particulates in the air, no thanks to the tremendous number of cars on the roads. Natrual phenomena can also produce amazing sunsets, one rather memorable one was the eruption of Mount Pinatubo which was dormant for 600 years and woke up with an attitude. The resulting amount of volcanic material that was lofted into the atmosphere produced spectacular sunsets even in other countries.

No After Sunset Light Show at Corong-corong in El Nido

No After Sunset Light Show at Corong-corong in El Nido

Here in Corong-corong, it is very unlikely that I would get pollutant related sunset. The air here is very fresh and a welcome change from the toxic soup that Manila’s air has become. I can’t say that I was not used to that kind of air but I rather not breathe it if I could help it. The only thing going for the sunset here in Corong-corong was that there was water. The sea provides a natural reflection on the setting sun and add a lot more drama to a sunset. Although I didn’t get the sunset I wanted here, the sun set behind an island in the distance, I was still quite happy with what I got. It was too bad there was no after sunset light effect unlike the previous day, but no matter, maybe we can try again the next day.

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