Lijiang Ancient Town Plaza

Lijiang Ancient Town Plaza

Lijiang Ancient Town Plaza

The waters from the Black Dragon Pool inevitably find their way into the Lijiang Ancient Town 丽江古城. Such is the importance of the town that the Black Dragon Pool has suffered dangerously low water levels just to feed the thirst of Lijiang Ancient Town. Anyway, I’m finally back in the ancient town and suddenly it seems that everybody is here. There were a lot of people at the entrance, which isn’t really a surprise since this is Yunnan’s number one tourist attraction. Not only do people from Yunnan come to visit here but also from other parts of China and including a sprinkling of foreigners such as me.

UNESCO World Heritage Site Marker at Lijiang Ancient Town 丽江古城

UNESCO World Heritage Site Marker at Lijiang Ancient Town 丽江古城

I passed by the Lijiang Ancient Town Plaza the first time I entered the town but I was in a hurry to leave my bags that I didn’t really pay attention to it, let alone take photos. The last time I was here, I quickly made a right turn as soon as I entered the town, which supposedly leads me to my hostel. The plaza itself wasn’t very large by Chinese standards. What stood out here was that large UNESCO marker which designates this as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This is just one of several here in Yunnan province alone. This is quite different from the smaller UNESCO markers which I have seen elsewhere.

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