Kuala Terengganu Bus Terminal

Taxi Stand at the Kuala Terengganu Bus Station

Taxi Stand at the Kuala Terengganu Bus Station

We found out later that the bus leaving for our destination will only leave at ten in the morning. This was quite frustrating since it was still three more hours before ten. Kuala Terengganu seems to be a small city and I wasn’t sure if there were interesting things to see here. My friend was likewise disappointed since I arrived only after the bus left. This could have saved us a lot of hours of waiting. Anyway, what to do here? We took out our cameras and started shooting.

Bus Bays at the Kuala Terengganu Bus Station

Bus Bays at the Kuala Terengganu Bus Station

Kuala Terengganu isn’t like the modern bus terminal that Puduraya or Bandar Tasik Seletan is. It seems to be an old station. It was a large and functional, though it seemed to be a bit dark. There weren’t a lot of seats here and I guess there weren’t a lot of passengers here either. This is a provincial town after all and they only build terminals to cater for demand.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/KualaTerengganuBusTerminal.kmz} zoom=19]