Thoughts on Pingyao Ancient City 平遥古城

Market Tower at Pingyao Ancient Town 平遥古城

Market Tower at Pingyao Ancient Town 平遥古城

Much like any other ancient city in China, the beauty of the ancient town is in its homogeneity. Fenghuang, Xidi and Hongcun and Zhou Zhuang all look different from each other but the allure is that the houses in each of those towns all tend to look the same. It might be culture or just plain competition that made them to look similar. Pingyao is no exception, the town is amazingly homogenous for a town this large and this makes it very attractive to me.

Main Street in Pingyao Ancient Town 平遥古城

Main Street in Pingyao Ancient Town 平遥古城

However, it is this very homogeneity that makes me get tired of it so quickly. It is like visiting Chinese temples, once you have seen one, you have seen them all. The feeling is the same here. The important sight here in the ancient town all look a like. so much that I can’t even tell them apart. Fortunately, they have names outside the entrance to help me remember which is which.

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