Surprise Find in Pingyao Ancient Town 平遥古城

Catholic Church in Pingyao Ancient Town 平遥古城

Catholic Church in Pingyao Ancient Town 平遥古城

I was trying to visit the “must see” sights in the Pingyao ancient town, as I finished exploring the Confucius Temple I tried to look around the area to see what else can I see apart from the “must see” sights. I was just at the edge of the ancient town when I noticed something quite familiar. There seemed to be a gate which says Catholic Church. I was intrigued. I hadn’t gone to church in weeks and I was surprised to see one here. It is never easy to find Catholic churches in China, so I was glad to find one here.

Gate Leading to the Catholic Church in Pingyao 平遥

Gate Leading to the Catholic Church in Pingyao 平遥

The gate was quite delapidated which made it blend together with the rest of the ancient town. I ventured inside the gate and was met by the sight of a church which somehow shares the colors of the town. It made me wonder if the church was just as old as the ancient town, which I find highly unlikely. There didn’t seem to be anyone in the church grounds so I continued on exploring the church area. Maybe I can have a peek inside.

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