Jiezhi Palace 介祉宫

Receiving Area of the Empress Dowager at the Jiezhi Palace 介祉宫

Receiving Area of the Empress Dowager at the Jiezhi Palace 介祉宫

This is the part of the series where I would rattle off the list of pavillions or palace which I visited in the Imperial Palace of Shenyang. The Jiezhi Palace was one of these palaces. Actually there wasn’t much of interest in the palace. The building was unremarkable. It looks totally like the rest of the buildings in the area. The only difference here was the purpose of the buildings. As the emperors of Qing seem to build separate buildings for different purposes. There was a lot of land anyway.

A Look Inside the Empress Dowager's Residence

A Look Inside the Empress Dowager's Residence

The Jiezhi Palace was the place where the empress dowager stayed whenever she drops by in Shenyang. The emperor would lead all the concubines to greet the empress here. For such an important place, the residence was quite unremarkable. You probably won’t think that this was where the empress lived. Maybe it was because of the relative high quality of the buildings which even unimportant places tend to look important, thus making it look ordinary by comparison.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/ShenyangImperialPalace.kmz} zoom=19]