Ji’an Bus Station

Ji'an Bus Station

Ji'an Bus Station

The restaurant I was eating at is probably quite profitable, having located just across the Ji’an Bus Station. Hungry passengers waiting for their bus could come here and eat while waiting for their bus. The bus station is probably the busiest part of the Ji’an City apart from the train station, whose location is unknown to me. Taking the train was not an option for me here since it was too slow from Changchun, the bus is faster. I will be departing Ji’an City the next day and I needed to book bus tickets for my next destination. There were a lot of touts where passengers will be exiting the bus station but I didn’t mind them and they didn’t mind me since I was going in the bus station, not out.

Modern Bus Terminal at Ji'an

Modern Bus Terminal at Ji'an

The bus station was surprisingly modern and clean. I was actually expecting a more run down bus station since Ji’an isn’t really a very well known city. The station was not huge by any means but I think it is enough for the traffic it serves. There was a ticket counter as usual and the seats for waiting passengers. There weren’t a lot of people here in the station which was good, there should not be any problem taking the bus tomorrow. There was a large map of Jilin province and the places where the Ji’an buses can reach. Most of the places in the map are unknown to me save for a few major cities. I got my ticket and head out the station to the welcoming crowd outside.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/Ji’anBusStation.kmz} zoom=19]