Exploring the General’s Tomb 将军坟

Step Pyramid of the General's Tomb 将军坟

Step Pyramid of the General's Tomb 将军坟

The General’s Tomb was a pleasant surprise from the lackluster tombs that I have visited in the area. Unlike the pile of rocks burial mound that predominates that tomb design of the Koguryo culture, the General’s Tomb was built much like a step pyramid. The stone that the tomb was built from was not irregular, in fact it looks like it was purposely cut in regular shapes. The regular shape of the blocks made it possible to build the step pyramid that was see today. Not unlike the pyramids of Egypt, but in a much smaller scale.

No Climbing the Historical Relic

No Climbing the Historical Relic

The tomb itself isn’t really that tall, probably with a maximum height of three stories. It still looks impressive especially if you have been seeing all the boring rocks from the previous areas. Unfortunately, the pyramid itself is off limits to visitors. There is a wooden flight of stairs behind the pyramid where visitors can observe the tomb, but this was closed off to preserve the historical relic. I wonder what happened to make the authorities do that.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/General’sTomb.kmz} zoom=19]