Going to the Taiwang Tomb 太王陵

Going to the Taiwang Tomb 太王陵 in the Distance

Going to the Taiwang Tomb 太王陵 in the Distance

After the tour guide of the site finished giving her spiel about the Haotaiwang Stele, she left me with instructions not to take photos inside the pavillion housing the stele before heading back to her post. It was quite chilly after all. I was taking photos of the stele from the doorway when I was entertaining thoughs of taking photos anyway since no one else was there. However, there were cameras, or camera-looking things inside the pavillion which persuaded me otherwise. It was quite disappointed not being able to take photos of the inscriptions as these were the important stuff. I was then left with her other instruction, to just follow the path and continue exploring the area.



As it happens, the stele wasn’t the only archeological artifact in this area. I have already been through a cemetery for Korguryo noblemen but there was something far more important here. The tomb of the one the stele was dedicated to was also here. The Taiwang Tomb looms over the distance and it appears to be a small hill from the Haotaiwang Stele. It looks like there would be quite a bit of walking but the weather was nice and great for walking. There wasn’t much competition here in this park as the low tourist season had already begun.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/TaiwangTomb.kmz} zoom=19]