Going to the Wandu Mountain City 丸都山城

Wooden Bridge at the Wandu Mountain City 丸都山城

Wooden Bridge at the Wandu Mountain City 丸都山城

My driver/guide was excited and relieved to see me at the hotel, probably fearing that I ran off with another tour guide. He was still his jolly old self and he can’t wait to bring me around. He does this regularly so he already has a plan in mind when bringing visitors around. Our first stop will be the Wandu Mountain City. The city of Ji’an is the site of a UNESCO world heritage site called the Capital Cities and Tombs of the Ancient Koguryo Kingdom. This mouthful of a name of a heritage site is simply the ruins of an ancient Korean dynasty.

Modern Cow at the Wandu Mountain City 丸都山城

Modern Cow at the Wandu Mountain City 丸都山城

My guide brought me to the one furthest from the city proper, the Wandu Mountain City also goes by the name Hwando Mountain Fortress is one of the former capitals of the defunct dynasty. Back in the day, a flourishing Korean dynasty named Koguryo was established in the year 37 BC. Over the several centuries of the existence of the Korguryo kingdom, several capital cities were established, Wandu Mountain City was one of these capital cities. Of the three ancient capital cities of the Koguryo, the Wandu Mountain City was the last to be built.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/WanduMountainCity.kmz} zoom=19]