House of Sweet Smelling Rice 秫香馆

The House of Sweet Smelling Rice

The House of Sweet Smelling Rice

The Humble Administrator’s Garden was first owned by a former government official who retired to Suzhou and started cultivating a garden that grew to immense size. The government official is supposedly unassuming and yet has a garden as wonderful as this, leading to its name. The garden has changed hands several times in the past which included it being payment for a gambling debt. Much of the charm of the garden remains over the centuries and with the advent of mass tourism, I believe it will continue to be maintain to a high level of quality.

No Sweet Smelling Rice Here

No Sweet Smelling Rice Here

There are a number of structures in the Humble Administrator’s Garden, the first of which is the House of Sweet Smelling Rice, I guess this was where the cooked of something, I didn’t see any description of the house here but there wasn’t really much to see here. The house was one which followed the design of the times. It pays to have a map here in the garden since there are numerous paths which go throughout the garden, it would have been nice to follow a path but we ended up going back to where we have been to before.

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