Arrival at Hangzhou Railway Station 杭州站

The Faster Train in the Foreground

The Faster Train in the Foreground

The trip to Hangzhou was a few minutes longer than the last time, since they don’t travel at top speed now, but it didn’t really matter. We arrived there quite early and we took some time to take photos with the train. We didn’t have much time to do this when we were leaving for Hangzhou, probably because we were concerned we would get left by the train. The train basically shuttles between Shanghai and Hangzhou the entire day. The station itself isn’t really much to look at. It is old and nowhere near the modern architectural piece that is Shanghai South Railway Station.

On the Way Out of Hangzhou Railway Station 杭州站

On the Way Out of Hangzhou Railway Station 杭州站

I was wondering, if the train just shuttles back and forth between Shanghai and Hangzhou how does it turn around? We found out how when we were taking photos. The train doesn’t really turn around, but rather it has two heads, one at the front and one at the back. The seats are individually rotated 180 degrees when changing destinations so that all of them face the correct direction. Voila! The train is now facing the other way!

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