Meridian Gate 午门

Meridian Gate 午门

Meridian Gate 午门

One would be surprised upon entering the Gate of Heavenly Peace and seeing as to how huge it was, to see another even larger gate was quite mind blowing. After the Gate of Heavenly Peace, visitors will be greeted by the massive Meridian Gate, this is the true gate that will enter the Forbidden City. The gate has two wings each housing a pavillion. The top of the Meridian Gate houses a building which is connected to the pavillions by covered hallways.

Not Enough People?

Not Enough People?

The Meridian Gate has three doorways. The middle doorway was reserved only for emperors (and empresses only her wedding day). But now, anyone can just go in through these doorways, but only if you have a ticket. Ah, such is the power of change. There were probably thousands of people at the Forbidden City at the time of my visit. It is mind boggling to imagine how massive the Forbidden City is and how one can still feel crowded at a place like this.

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