Moving on to the Eight Outer Temples 外八庙 in Chengde

The Stele Pavillion at the Putuozongcheng Temple 普陀宗乘之庙

The Stele Pavillion at the Putuozongcheng Temple 普陀宗乘之庙

I only spent half a day exploring the Mountain Resort in Chengde since I had a schedule to keep. Besides, the Mountain Resort was huge and it won’t be possible to explore most of it in a day. I have no plans to spend the night here since it would be expensive to do so. I had to move on to the next destination. But first I grabbed some food from a nearby restaurant. It wasn’t really anything special but I had two plates of dumplings. There were seventeen per plate which makes it thirty four. I remember my friend would tell me that she can eat forty dumplings in a meal which would leave us astonished. Now I know she wasn’t kidding.

The Stele Inside the Stele Pavillion

The Stele Inside the Stele Pavillion

Aside from the Mountain Resort, the city of Chengde is home to another another set of historical sites. This is also part of the Mountain Resort’s elevation to the UNESCO world heritage list. There are eight outer temples here in the outskirts of Chengde all of which have historical significance. Obviously it would be impossible for me to visit all eight in one afternoon. So I decided to visit only two of them. Getting there was easy enough since there was a bus stop along the main road. I hopped on one of the buses passing by my target temple and crossed my fingers, hoping that I was right.

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