Ding Tomb 定陵

Ming Dynasty Building at the Ding Tomb 定陵

Ming Dynasty Building at the Ding Tomb 定陵

The Ding Tomb is one of the 13 Ming Tombs in the area. I was surprised to know that each tomb has its own entrance fee. For something so difficult to get to, I’m not too sure if this was worth it or not. I’m kind of getting tired of the Ming style buildings here, although they are lovely to look at, they all start to look alike. The Ding Tomb is no different. The main tomb building is a majestic Ming Dynasty building fit for an emperor. If you have seen photos of the Forbidden City, you will recognize this place.

Almost Like the Great Wall Here

Almost Like the Great Wall Here

However, what is important here is not the Ming building itself, but what it inside. The building house and underground palace for the deceased emperor. This was recently unearthed and it is now open to the public. There are stairs on both sides of the tomb building which allow visitors to explore the tomb. Though I don’t think this was the intended purpose.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/DingTomb.kmz} zoom=19]