General Tower 将军楼

Climbing Up the General Tower 将军楼 at the Great Wall

Climbing Up the General Tower 将军楼 at the Great Wall

The Great Wall of China is one of the most recognizable landmarks in the world. It is also one of the oldest in the world. The construction of the Great Wall started in 220 BC at the time of China’s first emperor, Qin Shi Huang, however, the most famous and visited sections of the Great Wall was constructed in the relatively recent period of the mid 1400s. As you well know, the main purpose of the wall is to keep out invaders. The Great Wall is actually made up of numerous sections which were built over the years by several dynasties. When it was finally linked up, it was called grand name of “Thousand Li Long Fortress” or 万里长城 as most Chinese would call it.

Closer Look at the General Tower 将军楼

Closer Look at the General Tower 将军楼

The walls are interrupted by towers where the soldiers stay. The towers are located in strategic locations so that they are easily seen and they can easily signal the next tower. Making it probably the first long distance communication line. One of these towers is the General Tower 将军楼. It is so named because the tower was commissioned by the General Qi Jiguang 戚继光. The tower features several defensive structures such as barrier walls, buttressed wall, horse blocking walls which together prevent the enemy from approaching the tower. This also allowed the defenders a safer place to defend the wall. The General Tower is supposedly the finest example of architecture along the entire Great Wall.

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