Lornie Trail

Boardwalk Along the Lornie Trail

Boardwalk Along the Lornie Trail

The MacRitchie Nature Park is a pleasant surprise as there are numerous trails for hikers to choose from. However, not all of the trails can be considered fit for everyone. Naturally, the easiest trails are the ones which are nearest the entrance. The trail I took was the Lornie Trail which according to the guide map, is 4.8 kilometers, which would take around 2 hours. There is no way to go to the more difficult trails except through here. The Lornie Trail first starts off as a nicely cemented path until it hits the water’s edge.

Thick Greenery Along the Lornie Trail

Thick Greenery Along the Lornie Trail

Just past a wooden area is the start of an extensive series of boardwalks. The boardwalk was built on the water’s edge. Some parts of the boardwalk are actually on top of the water. Although the boardwalk wide enough, one would still have to take care not to fall into the water. The water might not be very deep in these parts anyway, but you won’t want to get wet either. The boardwalk goes through some lovely greenery, at some spots, you can read information about the plants along the path. The water itself, isn’t really that inviting though but there is life in the water as fish and turtles can be seen swimming around the water.

Probably the most unexpected aspect of the Lornie Trail is how long is actually is. It does seem to go on and on. I also though of how much time was spent to build the entire boardwalk, since they needed to built on top of the water too. This trail is a nice beginner’s trail and it should not prove that much of a challenge to most people.

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