Continuing the Dragon’s Back

The Trail at the Dragon's Back

The Trail at the Dragon's Back

After conquering Shek O Peak, it turns out that it wasn’t the end of our hike, in fact it seemed like we were just midway through our hike of the Dragon’s Back. I’m not complaining since the the scenery was really nice. The weather was very cool and it made hiking all the more pleasant. I would stop several times along the way just to admire the scenery. In fact, they even have a bench in the middle of nowhere just for explores to rest. Fortunately there weren’t any overpriced drink stalls.

The Town of Shek O from the Dragon's Back

The Town of Shek O from the Dragon's Back

The Dragon’s Back truly earned its name as one of Asia’s Best Hikes. I could do this every week since it is really easy to get to, in addition, the trail is relatively short which makes it perfect for beginners. In fact, along the hike, we met other people on the hike some were foreigners and others were middle aged locals. Some of them were even on bicycles! In fact, the trail itself has signs for bicycles. I find it hard to imagine why anyone would dare to ride a bicycle on this kind of terrain, one wrong step will send you plunging into the cliff below.

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