Quick Lunch at Fenghuang

Pick Anything You Want

Pick Anything You Want

After walking around the ancient town of Fenghuang for an hour, it was time to have our lunch. Our bus leaves in an hour, so we needed a quick lunch. While walking along the Tuo River, there was this row of barbeque stands similar to the ones we saw in Chengdu. While we were eyeing the food, the owners kept egging us to sit down and eat.

Even Crispy Crablets

Even Crispy Crablets

Fine, it would also be nice to try some of Fenghuang’s street food. It is basically the same as the barbeque in Chengdu where buyers can choose what they want to be cooked. Here is an important difference, the stuff is fried in oil unlike the Chengdu version where it is grilled. The ingredients here are markedly different from the ones we saw in Chengdu. Here they use sausages, fish and even duck blood.

Lady Frying Our Food

Lady Frying Our Food

All of that stuff is fried in the big vat of oil they have and it is served with rice. They prepared us a small table eat on and lent us some of their chairs. It was a nice way to end our visit to Fenghuang as we sit by the Tuo River admiring the scenery.

My Lunch At Fenghuang

My Lunch At Fenghuang

And what about the food? I didn’t really like it, it would seem that the oil isn’t really that fresh anymore and it would already have gone through several hundred fryings before it is changed. The duck blood isn’t that great and it has that oily taste which is probably caused by the old oil they use. I probably got stomach trouble because of that. And as you know have stomach trouble while on the road is not a good thing.

Two hours is definitely not enough time to explore the nooks and crannies of Fenghuang so I decided to come back here since I would still be passing by this way on my way out of China. But next time, I’d stick to the eating in the restaurants instead.

I will be away for a week to visit my folks. Need to show myself to them lest they forget how I look like. See you in a week’s time!

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/Fenghuang.kmz} zoom=14]