Inside the Cathedral of Évora

Inside the Cathedral of Évora

Inside the Cathedral of Évora

The Cathedral of Évora is one of the largest structures here in the city. It is also part of the Historic Center of Évora which is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It is great to see all of these preserved so well. The cathedral seems to be one of the best preserved one and it seems to be still in constant use. I don’t know how much of it is is still used as a church but tourists make sure to visit this place. The many chapels of the cathedral is a sight to see. Several of them look amazing that a gate was put in front of it to keep visitors away.

Chapel at the Cathedral of Évora

Chapel at the Cathedral of Évora

I think that ladies would want to get married in this cathedral what with the longer than normal aisle to walk on. This is probably why I thought that the cathedral should be larger than I thought is would be. The aisle was long and it follows that the body of the church is just as long. I was viewing the cathedral from the side and I concluded that the cathedral must be immense. But it felt smaller than it should be and this probably confirms it. It is long but it is not that wide. This explains the smaller than normal choir.

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