Great Hall of Bunratty Castle

Large Tapestry at Bunratty Castle

Large Tapestry at Bunratty Castle

There is a narrow flight of stairs to climb to get to the top of Bunratty Castle. Most of the time, the masters of the castle live on the upper floors. Bunratty Castle didn’t seem to be an exception. The flight of stairs ended at the top which revealed a great hall. This hall was where most of the activities happened. It certainly is impressive. The roof of the hall was very high, making it even more impressive. There was a large and long table here. One can imagine having a big banquet here with important people. The wall is also dominated by a large tapestry.

Visitors Gather Around the Guide at Bunratty Castle

Visitors Gather Around the Guide at Bunratty Castle

In the center of the hall is, curiously, the fireplace. It seems that the fireplace was put there primarily to help keep the roof dry since it so high up. The staff were still here to describe what we were seeing. I’m glad that one doesn’t have to pay for a tour guide here since everybody seems to be happy to describe everything. It seems that every corner of the hall has something to tell. Various pieces from the collection were on display here including a fertility figure.

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