Going to Gardens by the Bay

Gardens By the Bay

Gardens By the Bay

My vacation was coming to an end. I spent three weeks in the Philippines and I was able to meet up with family and friends. I unfortunately, work beckons and I needed to make my way back. I still have a bit of business to take care of before I finally head back. I needed to drop by Singapore to complete some papers and while at it I can also see old friends. I had a grand time going around the city and basically eating to my heart’s contents knowing that I won’t be having this kind of food for a while. In the almost three years that I was last here there, there have been a lot of changes here as well as things that have remained the same.

Looking at the Supertrees at the Gardens By the Bay

Looking at the Supertrees at the Gardens By the Bay

As far as tourist spots are concerned, there won’t be a lot of news ones here. One place I didn’t get to properly photograph before is the Gardens by the Bay. I have actually been at the Gardens by the Bay once but I didn’t have a camera back then and now that I have one, I think it was time for me to photograph it. I intended to take photos of the place as the sun was going down so I would get light and dark photos. Getting to the Gardens by the Bay is very easy just by using the MRT. One just needs to get off at the Promenade Station and start walking. I don’t expect a lot of changes here but it is still nice to come back.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/GardensbytheBay.kmz} zoom=19]