Ships Along Rotterdam’s Canals

Restaurant Boat in Rotterdam

Restaurant Boat in Rotterdam

I was surprised to see that we were near the canals of Rotterdam. They may not be as famous as the canals of Amsterdam but we get an idea of what the relationship of the Netherlands is to the sea. There were several ships docked here, but I wasn’t sure what kind of ships they were. There were some interesting ships here. There was one which was indicated that it was a house. I wasn’t sure what it was exactly, perhaps it was a hostel or something like that. I thought it was an interesting place and it might be an interesting experience to live in something like that. I didn’t see people in the boat though.

Boat Apartment in Rotterdam

Boat Apartment in Rotterdam

The boats here didn’t really seem like fishing boats. They seem almost too clean. There was another one which was a restaurant. It was still early and there weren’t any customers at the restaurant boat either. It is nice that they decided to repurpose the boats. It gives the city much more character. Anyway, there were a few of these along the way and I assume that these aren’t the only ones in the city. We quickly made our way back into the car since our parking bill is ticking. This was an eye opener for us. At least this made us decide to use the car to explore the country instead of the city.

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