Inside Saint Bavo’s Cathedral

Inside the Saint Bavo's Cathedral

Inside the Saint Bavo’s Cathedral

It seems that every major city of Belgium has an impressive cathedral. Ghent is no different since it has Saint Bavo’s Cathedral as one of its landmarks. It sits near the belfry of Ghent so it would be difficult to miss once you are in the city center. The facade of the cathedral seems to be under renovation and not only that, they took the chance to hang some very large posters partly to cover the construction work. It might be surprising to know that the roots of the cathedral are almost a thousand years old now. There was an old church at the same site and it was continuously expanded over the course of five centuries to what it is now.

Altar Area of Saint Bavo's Cathedral

Altar Area of Saint Bavo’s Cathedral

The traces of the older structures can be see in the crypt. For now, Saint Bavo’s Cathedral is probably best described as a Gothic cathedral owing to the very tall pillars which support the cathedral. I guess seeing too many of these places have dulled my appreciation for them since they are starting to look alike. The cathedral has a typical cathedral layout with smaller chapels around the cathedral. At the very center is the altar, where the Holy Mass is celebrated. Gothic Cathedrals tend to be darker, windows are also very high. The ceiling of the cathedral didn’t seem to be very special apart from some interesting designs.

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