Crypt at the Cathedral of Our Lady in Antwerp

A Tomb Underneath the Cathedral of Our Lady in Antwerp

A Tomb Underneath the Cathedral of Our Lady in Antwerp

I thought we were just about done exploring the Cathedral of Our Lady when we noticed at a small sign which says crypt. I always dread visiting these kinds of places. I remember visiting a few of the in big churches of Spain and it creeps me out. I wasn’t surprised to know that they have one here but I wasn’t exactly looking for one either. Back then people like to be buried in the church I guess to guarantee that the would be in a better place in the after life. Some of these are taken to extremes that the crypts become quite lavish. I don’t really agree with this and thankfully, it doesn’t seem to be something which is done now.

Archeological Dig at the Cathedral of Our Lady in Antwerp

Archeological Dig at the Cathedral of Our Lady in Antwerp

There was a short flight of stairs to go below the cathedral. What we saw wasn’t anything like what I have seen in Spain. This one looks more it was an archeological excavation. There were a few tombs here and it they were already empty. There was a faint light in here which lends to an even more eerie feeling. There wasn’t much space to move around anyway, you are immediately met with the sight of the tombs and little else. I guess it is meant to show that there is still stuff underneath the cathedral. There is little reason to believe that this is the only one, but you can’t just go digging around the cathedral looking for other tombs.

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