Crafts on Sale in Bruges

Toy Swords and Shields at Bruges

Toy Swords and Shields at Bruges

I was delighted to encounter the canals in Brugge. I was surprised to know that it was also a water town much like Venice is, although its canals are spread throughout the historical town. It is not as critical to Brugge as the water is to Venice. There are numerous ways to get from place to place on foot, this is not particularly true for Venice where owning a boat is almost a necessity. We came up to the part where the tour boats are parked. This was quite easy to spot since there was a queue of tourists waiting by the river. I must admit that this seemed to be a very interesting activity but I don’t think I can see much from the water as I can see on foot.

Old School Wooden Toys at Bruges

Old School Wooden Toys at Bruges

Along the way, I noticed that there were some handicrafts on sale here. They were mostly toys like swords and shields, keeping in line with the medieval nature of Brugge. I thought it was a refreshing thing to see since these days kids don’t play with real toys anymore. Most of the time, you would seem the looking down on their tablets and silently playing. I think this is a bad trend with parents just keeping their kids busy with the tablet while they go about doing their own stuff. And I thought I grew up unsociable, I’d like to see how these kids grow up.

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