Thatched Cottages in Kinvarra

Traditional Thatched Cottage in Kinvarra

Traditional Thatched Cottage in Kinvarra

We were done exploring Dunguaire Castle. The castle is not that bad, though it would have been better if we had been able to go in and explore the castle itself. I wasn’t sure why it was closed in the first place, or maybe it was unsafe inside. We were walking back to the car to continue on our exploration of the area when I noticed that there were some traditional thatched cottages near the parking lot. I always thought that these structures were very charming. I might be nice to be able to spend a night there but I don’t know how good the heating there is. The thatched roof is very good in keeping out moisture as water just drips to the sides.

Charming Thatched Cottage in Kinvarra

Charming Thatched Cottage in Kinvarra

The roof isn’t very permanent either since it is organic, it does rot away after some time. Possibly after every few years. It would be a hassle to keep replacing the roof all the time but that is the cost of owning a place like this. I was taking photos of the cottages and found them very charming. I discovered that the houses were actually inhabited, hopefully I didn’t bother them too much. They also had a very large dog which was eyeing me as I took photos. I went behind the cottages for some photos but the illusion of a charming thached cootage was broken by the presence of a satellite dish. There was also a car parked behind it. So much for charm. It is still nice when viewed from the other side though.

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