Exploring the Ards Friary Grounds

Clear Waters of Near the Ards Friary

Clear Waters of Near the Ards Friary

I decided to do a bit of exploring while the weather is still not that bad. It was overcast and threatening to rain but I was already here so I decided to make the most of it. The Ards Friary was built beside a lovely bay and it has a number of walking trails which make full use of the beautiful scenery. The water in this part of the bay seems to be shallow as you can see the rocks at the bottom. The water is also remarkably clear. It is a pity that if it were a clear day it would made for a beautiful photo. There weren’t a lot of visitors that day I suspect that more than a few of the cars who are parked at the friary were drove by priests. There were a few non-clergy walking about.

Bed of Seaweed at the Waters Near the Ards Friary

Bed of Seaweed at the Waters Near the Ards Friary

I walked to one end of the trail the one which runs past the bay. There were some benches along the way for some contemplation. Walking even further there was a paved lot which looked like another parking area. From here, you can look back at the friary against the water. From here you can see how clear the waters really are. There was seaweed in the area and you can see all the way to the bottom. The seaweeds felt tough unlike the seaweed that I was used to which is made up almost of water.

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