Backroads of Crohy

Ruins of a House at Crohy

Ruins of a House at Crohy

I had a rather sad lunch at the town of Dungloe. My fish and chips looked uninspired and tasted even worse. Maybe I just wasn’t used to the way it was cooked. Well, I quickly made my way out of the restaurant and decided to start heading back home. It was such a lovely day that I wanted to head back to where I entered Crohy to take photos of the area. It was straightforward to get back on the trail but at least this time I know where I would be heading. The trail would be a bit easier now since I’m heading the other direction. It was still just as remote as it looked before. However, the beautiful day really makes a lot of difference.

Back Road at Crohy

Back Road at Crohy

What I liked about this road was that there were a few places where people can stop their car and take in the scenery. I’m not talking about just mere parking areas to let other cars pass through but proper stopping areas with seats and tables. It isn’t really very first class here but the view certainly are. I like how visitors are really encouraged to stop a bit with these facilities. There are no shops for miles here and it is really a welcome change from other beautiful places.

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