Lacada Point

Rugged Coastline at Lacada Point at the Giant's Causeway

Rugged Coastline at Lacada Point at the Giant’s Causeway

It seems that we are approaching the main site to where the trail is leading us. We are meeting more and more people coming from the other side, not that there were a lot to begin with. It seems that there was something to see that but only one thing. We proceeded to the end of the trail from which we can see one of the most significant places in this world heritage site. The Lacada Point is an impressive rock formation which has prominent layers of rock which shows the ages of the rock. Above all that is a crown of columnar jointed volcanics which is the signature feature of the Giant’s Causeway.

Lacada Point at the Giant's Causeway

Lacada Point at the Giant’s Causeway

There exposed rock has a nice red shade and it sort of reminds me of the Grand Canyon photos which I see in books. This is carved mainly by the sea and it have those basalt columns rising from the rocks. From here we can only look at Lacada Point since the rest of the trail is closed to the public. This is most probably because of safety since the trail continues to deteriorate naturally. It is not surprising to know what parts of this site would collapse into the sea one day. Hopefully it won’t have to bring any tourists along with it. Anyway, we can just stand here and admire this magnificent work of nature. If you look closely, you can see what is called the Chimney Tops which are named for their shape. I couldn’t get a closer photo because of my lens, in fact, I didn’t even notice it until I looked at the photos.

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