Outside the Colosseum

Outside the Colosseum in Rome

Outside the Colosseum in Rome

The Colosseum is certainly a very impressive structure, so impressive that it is considered to be one of the wonders of the world, that is depending on who you ask. Even by today’s standards, the Colosseum can hold a large number of people who go there to watch the performances or shows. Not unlike a sports stadium where major sporting events occur, the Colosseum plays host to primarily gladiatorial sports. Anyone who has watched movies or shows about ancient Rome has seen these ancient sports and they are not a pretty sight. The people on the other hand love this and flock to the Colosseum to watch these events. Similar to how we have modern day sports heroes, there were gladiators who would be very well known and they would even have merchandise of these gladiators or the events.

Impressive Facade of the Colosseum in Rome

Impressive Facade of the Colosseum in Rome

It is really amusing to see these parallels in modern day sporting events, it really goes to show that a lot of things still haven’t changed, although sports have been a little less bloody than before. I wanted to see more of the Colosseum and fortunately for me, there was a little rise on one side of the Colosseum where you can see more of it. I had my wide angle lens and it was able to capture all of the Colosseum, I was very happy with this purchase. Parts of the outside of the Colosseum have collapsed due to an earthquake and it has never been restored. Right now part of the outer shell of the Colosseum is no longer there but modern improvements have secured the adjacent parts of the collapsed portion to make sure that they won’t follow anytime soon. It is quite troublesome to the maintain a structure this old, you need to keep it exactly the way it was before but the more you leave it the way it was before the more it deteriorates, sooner or later you need to intervene. Right now, there is a portion of the Colosseum which is under renovation as scaffolding covers a large part of the outer shell. Hopefully, with these renovations you won’t need to cover them that much in the future.

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